
Aims of this module: 1.To present classroom strategies that include gifted students in the classroom; 2.To present some classroom teaching strategies. Outcomes: At the end of this module, you will be able to, 1.Demonstrate an understanding of the importance of positive regard for gifted pupils; 2. State examples of how classroom strategies can […]

Module 8: Classroom Strategies

Aims of this module: 1. To present different definitions of giftedness; 2. To distinguish between different definitions; 3. To highlight Cross and Coleman's School-based Conception of Giftedness. Outcomes: At the end of this module, you will be able to, 1. Identify key differences in definitions of giftedness; 2. Identify the definition of giftedness used in Ireland. […]

Module 2: Definitions of Giftedness

  The 3rd Gifted Education Awareness Week in Ireland runs from Monday 22nd to Friday 28th  September 2013.   Gifted Education Awareness Week is an initiative of Gifted and Talented Ireland and is promoted through this site and Gifted and Talented Network Ireland. The aim of Gifted Education Awareness Week is to raise awareness […]

Gifted Education Awareness Week 2013