So we’re well into the start of a new school year and my Transition Year (ages 15/16) students are up and running with their blogs. Every year I set my TYs a task – to write a blog on the geography of something that interests them. It can be anything; […]
Peter Lydon
The 15th century seems like an unusual place to being to talk about Geography and Technology even if my Da Vinci intention is partly just to squeeze in a mention Leonardo Da Vinci. We are familiar with Da Vinci as an inventor, artist, engineer, mathematician and an undoubtedly someone who […]
Geography and Technology: Presentation to Google Geo Teachers Institute Dublin ...
What do you use ICT for when teaching? Do you use PowerPoint, Keynote, type up your own handouts, or even Twitter so that even the most shy child can answer your questions? And when you use these things, how do you use them? Are you simply using new technology to […]
Teach Different.
The following is a script of my presentation to the ICT in Education conference in LIT-Thurles 19th May 2012 I want to begin a conversation on the use of tablets in the classroom. I think we are approaching a tipping point in Ireland where schools see that there is much […]
Tablets in the Classroom: Towards a New Pedagogy
The 8th ICT in Education Conference 2012 in LIT Tipperary Thurles Campus takes place on May 19th. The theme of the conference is ‘Learning Spaces‘. According to the website, The conference is not primarily about technology and learning; instead, it is about connecting enthusiasts at all levels of Ireland’s educational […]
ICT in Education Conference
ZX Spectrum (Bill Bertram) In 1983 a friend of mine acquired a Sinclair ZX Spectrum, the gift of his father. He got a 48K model and some ‘peripherals’ as well. ‘Peripherals’ was a new word to us and we used to play around with its pronunciation, such was our fascination […]
Does Not Compute!
Chapter 5 of the Framework for a New Junior Cycle outlines the qualifications which will attach to the new Framework. The chapter opens with this rather wonderful line “The new junior cycle qualification will be more than just examinations”. The first bit of bad news here is that the NCCA […]
Junior Cycle Framework Part 6 – Because You’re Worth It!
Chapter 4 – ‘Assessment and Evidence of Learning in Junior Cycle’. It has been my contention all along that if the learning experience of students in the classroom is negatively affected by the examination, then the examination has to change. Not the curriculum. It isn’t necessarily the case that […]
Junior Cycle Framework Part 5: Testing Times!
Learning in the Junior Cycle Chapter 3 of the Framework is entitled ‘Learning in the Junior Cycle’ and opens with with this platitude: “The orientation of the new junior cycle – the rationale for change – is to place a greater emphasis on student learning, on the quality of […]
Junior Cycle Framework Part 4 – Can Johnny tie his ...
Vision, Values and Principles Values Chapter 2 of the Framework presents the ‘Vision, Values and Principles’ upon which the Junior Cycle will be based. It states : ‘Junior cycle education places students at the centre of the educational experience, enabling them to actively participate in their communities and in […]