When I began training as a teacher, the standard modus was to observe an experienced teacher and essentially copy what they did in the classroom. This may explain why practice was slow to change over years. While we have moved on a bit, training is still a bit like this […]
Yearly Archives: 2012
Peter Csermely is President of the European Council for High Ability and is working on the development of a European Talent Support Network. Here he answers a few questions on his background and work and on the Budapest Declaration of Talent Support. 1. Tell us a little about […]
Help Drive Gifted Support in Ireland and Europe
I took the Draft Framework for the new Junior Cycle and plugged it into Wordle. Wordle gives prominence to words that appear more frequently in a text. I left out the title page but otherwise just selected all of the text.I did the same with the final Framework for Junior […]
A Tale of Two Wordles
Interview with GameToLearn
Interview with Game-to-Learn
ICEPE have offered a free place on their Gifted and Talented course to give away to one lucky winner. The full value of this prize is €330.00. To see full details of course, pop on over to the Gifted and Talented Course page. There is a certificate at the end of the […]
Win a Course on Gifted and Talented Children valued €330.00
I came across this nice YouTube clip from Through the Roof Learning that explains nicely the relationship between IQ and a population. IQ isn’t he only measure of talent and ability, nor does it give a full picture of what Giftedness means. And it is possible for someone who is […]
Where the Gifted Are.
So we’re well into the start of a new school year and my Transition Year (ages 15/16) students are up and running with their blogs. Every year I set my TYs a task – to write a blog on the geography of something that interests them. It can be anything; […]
School Blogging
Back in December 2010 when I first proposed on #gtchat an international pro-active effort to promote the needs of gifted children I had a very specific purpose in mind. Advocacy has a very particular meaning to me. Not one to holler and do nothing, two colleagues and I set about establishing a […]
International Week of the Gifted 2012
The 15th century seems like an unusual place to being to talk about Geography and Technology even if my Da Vinci intention is partly just to squeeze in a mention Leonardo Da Vinci. We are familiar with Da Vinci as an inventor, artist, engineer, mathematician and an undoubtedly someone who […]
Geography and Technology: Presentation to Google Geo Teachers Institute Dublin ...
I am pleased to be contribute to the Blog Tour for the second annual Gifted Awareness Week in New Zealand. As the co-founder of Gifted Education Awareness Week in Ireland with Dr. Catherine Riordan and Karen McCarthy, we fully appreciate the significance and impact raising awareness of giftedness. For this […]