Q1. What is good about the current plan to reopen schools? Additional funds long overdue. Discussion about homework in light of issue of CV 19 transmission with copybooks The clean out on schools…needed to be done for sure… they’ll be so clean of things …like new I’m undecided as I […]
Teaching and Learning

Wild, unfounded claims I’m not an epidemiologist but let me make some wild unfounded claims like everyone else. This is not the flu or even a flu; it is a virus for sure. But it would be foolish to assume that this thing will completely disappear a. when the summer comes […]
The hardest Covid19 decision for the Irish government is the ...
The Junior Cycle Framework (2011, 2012 and revised 2015) is the outcome of qualitative research carried out initially in 1999 (yup, that old) and recently there have been some articles in newspapers arguing against those people challenging the fact that neither history nor geography is included in the core curriculum […]
Tom’s Terrible Take
Teachers, You will be told that your holidays are too long; teach anyway. You will be told that you must raise standards even though you always aim to get the best out of your kids; teach anyway. You will not be given tax-breaks, bonuses, expensed-cars or luxury Christmas gifts; teach […]
Teach Anyway
The Innovation Academy So, in June I attended the group project presentations of the Entrepreneurial Educators in the Innovation Academy in UCD. If you don't know what this is or have never heard of it, play the video on the right and consider taking their certificate or diploma course. The […]
2 Things To Help Fix Irish Second Level Education
Presentation to AGTI Conference 2014 on Assessment for Learning
Assessment for Learning

Just Because You’re Paranoid Doesn’t Mean They’re Not Out to Get You! The Irish Times reports that the Minister for Education has decided that ‘Fitness-to-Teach’ hearings will be held in public and she will amend the Teaching Council Act 2001 to include this. This is a very serious step […]
Minister for Education Overrules The Professionals on Fitness-To-Teach Hearings
Today the Centre for Talented Youth Ireland launched a seminal report on the educator beliefs and practices of teachers in Ireland with regard to gifted children. The report – Gifted Education in Ireland: Educators Beliefs and Practices – by Jennifer Riedl Cross and Tracy Cross of the College of William and […]
Gifted Education in Ireland: Educators Beliefs and Practices in Ireland
Stupidity is to doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Equally stupid is claiming, either implicitly or explicitly, to be an expert in something and then coming up with a plan to break it…..and thereafter coming up with another plan to fix the thing you had […]
I Learn, Therefore I Am
On Monday 23rd September, Fred Boss (@FBoss) kindly allowed me to take over #edchatie for a Twitter chat to mark Gifted Education Awareness Week 2013. #edchatie is a weekly chat on issues of interest to teachers and other educators. You can view past #edchatie chats here. #edchatie attracts a wide […]