The title is otherwise known as the Einstein Principle – a scientific theory should be simple, but no simpler. What if their was a simple formula to teaching and learning? What if there was a simple formula for getting students to learn?There’s an interesting phrase – ‘getting students to learn‘; really what […]
Teaching and Learning
This is one of those posts that teachers might take badly. If you think that’s you, go away now. So, there I was giving a talk loosely entitled ‘Teaching in the Geography Classroom’ to 3rd year undergraduate students in Maynooth. I present this talk every year and broadly speaking, it’s […]
Where’s Your Teaching-Mojo?
I’m happy to recommend Ben Curran‘s and Neil Wetherbee‘s (joint web-site here) ‘Learning in the 21st Century: How to Connect, Collaborate, and Create‘. Learning in the 21st Century is published by GHF Press, the publishing devision of Gifted Homeschoolers Forum. Recognising that school does not suit everyone, GHF provides support […]
Must Reads – GHF Press ‘Learning in the 21st Century’
When I began training as a teacher, the standard modus was to observe an experienced teacher and essentially copy what they did in the classroom. This may explain why practice was slow to change over years. While we have moved on a bit, training is still a bit like this […]
Disruptive Teaching and Learning
So we’re well into the start of a new school year and my Transition Year (ages 15/16) students are up and running with their blogs. Every year I set my TYs a task – to write a blog on the geography of something that interests them. It can be anything; […]
School Blogging
The 15th century seems like an unusual place to being to talk about Geography and Technology even if my Da Vinci intention is partly just to squeeze in a mention Leonardo Da Vinci. We are familiar with Da Vinci as an inventor, artist, engineer, mathematician and an undoubtedly someone who […]
Geography and Technology: Presentation to Google Geo Teachers Institute Dublin ...
What do you use ICT for when teaching? Do you use PowerPoint, Keynote, type up your own handouts, or even Twitter so that even the most shy child can answer your questions? And when you use these things, how do you use them? Are you simply using new technology to […]
Teach Different.
ZX Spectrum (Bill Bertram) In 1983 a friend of mine acquired a Sinclair ZX Spectrum, the gift of his father. He got a 48K model and some ‘peripherals’ as well. ‘Peripherals’ was a new word to us and we used to play around with its pronunciation, such was our fascination […]