
The recent case of a divorcing couple has garnered some attention because of an unusual ruling which a High Court judge had to make in the case. In his judgement, Justice Hogan ruled that a 12 year old boy should attend a private school. (disclaimer: I teach in a fee-charging school) […]

Are Gifted Children Better Off in Private Schools?

The title is otherwise known as the Einstein Principle – a scientific theory should be simple, but no simpler. What if their was a simple formula to teaching and learning? What if there was a simple formula for getting students to learn?There’s an interesting phrase – ‘getting students to learn‘; really what […]

Simple, But No Simpler

I took the Draft Framework for the new Junior Cycle and plugged it into Wordle.  Wordle gives prominence to words that appear more frequently in a text. I left out the title page but otherwise just selected all of the text.I did the same with the final Framework for Junior […]

A Tale of Two Wordles