Where to Next….?
The purpose of this short course was to give you a quick introduction to issues in Gifted Education. I found ...
Module 8: Classroom Strategies
Aims of this module: 1.To present classroom strategies that include gifted students in the classroom; 2.To present some classroom teaching strategies. Outcomes: ...
Module 7: Differentiation in Gifted Education
Aims of this module: 1. To present approaches to differentiation in a classroom. Outcomes: At the end of this module, you ...
Module 6: Approaches to Meeting the Needs of Gifted Children in School
Aims of this module: 1. To present the different approaches to providing for the educational needs of gifted children in school ...
Module 5: Social and Emotional Experience of Gifted Children in School
Aims of this module: 1. To inform students of key social issues for gifted children in school; 2. To inform students of emotional ...
Module 4: The Presentation of Gifted Children in School
Aims of this module: 1.To highlight how gifted children present in school; 2. To challenge stereotypes and myths about gifted children; 4. To ...
Module 3: Identification of Giftedness
Aims of this module: 1. To highlight the of the importance of identifying gifted children in the classroom and the negative impact ...
Module 2: Definitions of Giftedness
Aims of this module: 1. To present different definitions of giftedness; 2. To distinguish between different definitions; 3. To highlight Cross ...
Module 1: Introduction to Gifted Education
Aims of this module: 1. To introduce common terminology used in gifted education; 2. To introduce the course, its content and ...
Myths about Gifted Children and their Education
You are a teacher, you should know better. Some people reject the idea of Giftedness. The most commonly held excuse I ...