Let’s just start with this. Most teachers have an IQ in excess of 130. It is reasonable to assume, given genetic pre-disposition and given the nurturing environment of teachers’ homes, that often children of teachers are Exceptionally Able. In my experience of CTYI, in each of my classes, the single […]
It may seem somewhat odd to hear a teacher say they hate school. It just doesn’t sound right. After all, if one hated school, why become a teacher. I became a teacher because that is what I wanted to do. I’m not sure where it came from other than I […]
I hate School
This is time of year when everyone starts preparing for school, usually somewhat nervously in anticipation of what the year will bring. This is most true for those starting school – primary, secondary or third level. It applies to teachers as much as students, but particularly so to trainee teachers. […]
Must-haves for Teachers
This post is a little off topic for the site but as I am President of the Association of Geography Teachers of Ireland and given the current threat to remove Geography as a single, systematic course of study from the Core Curriculum of the Junior Cycle, it deserves an airing […]
Junior Cycle Reform
The idea for National Gifted Education Awareness Day (NGEAD) was born in December 2010. I was on #gtchat on Twitter (Fridays 5pm and midnight GMT) chatting about global gifted advocacy(@DeborahMersino). One common theme that seemed to run through the chat was that there was little awareness in schools of Gifted/Exceptionally […]
Thank You!
Below is our poster for EU Talent Day And National Gifted Education Awareness Day. This day has the official support of the Department of Education and Skills. The Minister for Education, Ruairi Quinn, has declared his own personal recognition of Gifted and Talented students: “I very much welcome the initiative […]
National Gifted Education Awareness Day
It’s fantastic to be able to report that another school has joined our Hall of Fame of schools that have adopted a policy to recognise and help their Exceptionally Able children. St. Joseph’s National School , Halverstown is a two teacher country school which is situated in Halverstown Co.Kildare. It […]
St. Joseph’s joins the EA Hall of Fame
This is the first in what I hope will be many guest posts offering different perspectives to teachers with Exceptionally Able children in their classrooms. Elaine Mackey writes powerfully about her experience as a parent. I’m very new to this. Our son’s (age 7) school suggested we have him educationally […]
Engaging with school – A Parent’s Perspective
So much has happened over the last two months that I thought I would just scribble a few points, more as an overview to myself but also as way of encouraging anyone else to get involved in what ever way they can, wherever they can. The initiatives below are just […]