Download my presentation to St. Patrick’s National School, Glencullen, Dublin 18 on Wednesday 6th February 2013. Gifted Children in School Books referred to: – Daniel Willingham Why Don’t Students Like School?: A Cognitive Scientist Answers Questions About How the Mind Works and What It Means for the Classroom Linda Silverman Giftedness 101 […]
David McWilliams is an economist who resisted buying into the Celtic Tiger mentality and saw the boom for what it was; a house build on debt. He has written several books which could loosely be called ‘pop economics’ and as an economics graduate myself I have found myself in agreement […]
Lance the Myths of Giftedness
Peter Csermely is President of the European Council for High Ability and is working on the development of a European Talent Support Network. Here he answers a few questions on his background and work and on the Budapest Declaration of Talent Support. 1. Tell us a little about […]
Help Drive Gifted Support in Ireland and Europe
ICEPE have offered a free place on their Gifted and Talented course to give away to one lucky winner. The full value of this prize is €330.00. To see full details of course, pop on over to the Gifted and Talented Course page. There is a certificate at the end of the […]
Win a Course on Gifted and Talented Children valued €330.00
I came across this nice YouTube clip from Through the Roof Learning that explains nicely the relationship between IQ and a population. IQ isn’t he only measure of talent and ability, nor does it give a full picture of what Giftedness means. And it is possible for someone who is […]
Where the Gifted Are.
Back in December 2010 when I first proposed on #gtchat an international pro-active effort to promote the needs of gifted children I had a very specific purpose in mind. Advocacy has a very particular meaning to me. Not one to holler and do nothing, two colleagues and I set about establishing a […]
International Week of the Gifted 2012
I am pleased to be contribute to the Blog Tour for the second annual Gifted Awareness Week in New Zealand. As the co-founder of Gifted Education Awareness Week in Ireland with Dr. Catherine Riordan and Karen McCarthy, we fully appreciate the significance and impact raising awareness of giftedness. For this […]
5 Wonderings on Gifted Education
Thanks to Roya Klingner of the Global Centre for Gifted Education for the invitation to write a post as part of Gifted Education Awareness Week in Namibia. In December 2010 I proposed on #gtchat on Twitter that there should be an Global Gifted Education Awareness Day. From participating in #gtchat, […]
Gifted Education Awareness Week – Namibia
Gifted Education Awareness Week 2012 Leaflet This leaflet was sent to 76,000 teachers
Gifted Education Awareness Week 2012
2012 Leaflet here Gifted Education Awareness Week 2012 Leaflet 2011 was a very successful year in terms of raising awareness about issues affecting the inclusion of gifted children in schools in Ireland. Thanks to Brian Clavin of KPMG we were able to fund the distribution of a poster and information leaflet […]