
The recent case of a divorcing couple has garnered some attention because of an unusual ruling which a High Court judge had to make in the case. In his judgement, Justice Hogan ruled that a 12 year old boy should attend a private school. (disclaimer: I teach in a fee-charging school) […]

Are Gifted Children Better Off in Private Schools?

Gifted Students-Maynooth 2013 Reading Linda Silverman Giftedness 101 (The Psych 101 Series) Susan Wibebrenner & Dina Brulles   The Cluster Grouping Handbook: A Schoolwide Model: How to Challenge Gifted Students and Improve Achievement for All [With CDROM] Susan Winebrenner Teaching Gifted Kids in the Regular Classroom Joan Freeman GIFTED CHILDREN GROWN UP (NACE/Fulton Publication) […]

NUIM PDE Presentation 13th March 2013

The title is a quote is from Erich Fromm. It says a lot about why I do what I do. It’s now just over two years since I established Gifted and Talented Ireland as a blog to front my advocacy efforts on the needs of gifted children. There have been […]

Being Here Is Not Enough

Seth Godin has a trippy blog and a few other sites. He has written 12 bestsellers that have been translated into 33 languages. I’ve been reading Linchpin and quite enjoying some of the messages he offers about being an artist at whatever you do. Anyway, all was well and good until […]

Sething It All Wrong