The 3rd Gifted Education Awareness Week in Ireland runs from Monday 22nd to Friday 28th September 2013.
Gifted Education Awareness Week is an initiative of Gifted and Talented Ireland and is promoted through this site and Gifted and Talented Network Ireland.
The aim of Gifted Education Awareness Week is to raise awareness among teachers and educators of the needs of gifted children in Irish schools and colleges.
Each year an information leaflet is emailed to the SEN coordinator in schools along with a poster. While progress has been necessarily slow, over the last 3 years there has been a profound increase in awareness among schools and teachers thanks to sites like this, the work of ICEPE, CTYI, various journalists who have written about the reality of school for gifted children and other sites.
Check back here for further details of initiatives for Gifted Education Awareness Week.
Great initiative. I hope you will also give attention to gifted adults in future.
Hi Noks, The main focus of the week is raising awareness of the educational needs of gifted children. But children do grow up to be adults so I have moderated some chats specifically about gifted adults on #gtie.