As plans come together for this year’s Gifted Education Awareness Week, here is a quick review of last year’s GEAW thanks to Dazzled and Frazzled’s blog. This year’s GEAW plans will move Gifted awareness further along the road. New parents support groups have formed thanks to GTNetwork Ireland, there […]
The 3rd Gifted Education Awareness Week in Ireland runs from Monday 22nd to Friday 28th September 2013. Gifted Education Awareness Week is an initiative of Gifted and Talented Ireland and is promoted through this site and Gifted and Talented Network Ireland. The aim of Gifted Education Awareness Week is to raise awareness […]
Gifted Education Awareness Week 2013
The recent case of a divorcing couple has garnered some attention because of an unusual ruling which a High Court judge had to make in the case. In his judgement, Justice Hogan ruled that a 12 year old boy should attend a private school. (disclaimer: I teach in a fee-charging school) […]
Are Gifted Children Better Off in Private Schools?
I heard a story from one of my lecturers when training to be a teacher, which illustrates possibly one of the most important aspects of teaching – perhaps even more important than the actually teaching – that is, the quality of the relationship between the teacher and the students. The […]
The Power of Positive Regard
I’ve just published an eBook on Kindle called ‘Junior Cycle Literacy – Keywords for Junior Certificate Geography‘. Here’s the blurb….. “..Improve your literacy for Junior Cycle Geography and revise for Junior Certificate Geography at the same time. Keywords for Junior Certificate Geography contains definitions and explanations matched to the Junior Cycle […]
Junior Cycle Literacy – Keywords for Junior Certificate Geography
MakeUseOf is a website I found entirely by accident while surfing the interweb looking of resources. I subscribe to it to get automatic updates. Some of the updates you get will be about competitions to win stuff. It’s never happened to me so I have no vested interest in telling […]
IT CPD for Free
The following summary was produced by Catherine Riordan The Gifted Phoenix Manifesto for Gifted Education was the topic for discussion at #gtie on Sunday 24th March. To use his own words “Gifted Phoenix is the social media pseudonym of Tim Dracup a UK-based consultant in – and commentator on – […]
The Gifted Phoenix Manifesto for Gifted Education – Chat Summary
I have been calling for some time for an global, organised approach to advocating to meet the education needs of gifted children. It’s a big dream in part because it is global and in part because there are many different views within the ‘global gifted community’ about how we should […]
The Gifted Phoenix Manifesto for Gifted Education
Gifted Students-Maynooth 2013 Reading Linda Silverman Giftedness 101 (The Psych 101 Series) Susan Wibebrenner & Dina Brulles The Cluster Grouping Handbook: A Schoolwide Model: How to Challenge Gifted Students and Improve Achievement for All [With CDROM] Susan Winebrenner Teaching Gifted Kids in the Regular Classroom Joan Freeman GIFTED CHILDREN GROWN UP (NACE/Fulton Publication) […]