So I promised a solution. And then it hit me that I promised a solution! The fact is, from where we are, I cannot see a meaningful solution. Tomorrow, there will be some sort of talks, and both sides may come out and give wildly different accounts of what was […]
Ah, no you may say. Surely there is no connection between these three thingymabobs. Two certainly, but not three. But as this is Maths/Numeracy Week, here goes. The fundamental problem with the Celtic Tiger was NOT the Social Partnership agreements. These agreements offered the foundation for industrial peace. However, the foundation was […]
The Celtic Tiger, The Lansdowne Road Agreement and the ASTI ...

I’ve never been one to view worker-employer relationships as a them-and-us construct. The lack of human capacity to truly accept responsibility for one’s actions, and the underlying cowardice that can’t but pursue expedient escape routes has meant that there always will be plenty of blame to spread around conflicting parties. We should always be careful […]
If you think this is just a teachers strike, you ...
The Innovation Academy So, in June I attended the group project presentations of the Entrepreneurial Educators in the Innovation Academy in UCD. If you don't know what this is or have never heard of it, play the video on the right and consider taking their certificate or diploma course. The […]
2 Things To Help Fix Irish Second Level Education
Presentation in Athlone Education Centre 10th November 2015 Recognising Gifted Children Primary Classroom
Recognising the Gifted Child in the Primary Classroom
I’m delighted to announce the launch of ‘Open Gifted – An Introduction to Gifted Education’. Open Gifted is an open, short, online course on Gifted Education. It is the first of its kind in Ireland. The course is aimed primarily at second level or high school teachers. However, primary school […]
Open Gifted – An Introduction to Gifted Education 1
Models/Theories of Giftedness Psychology of Giftedness Meeting the Social and Emotional Needs of the Gifted Teaching Strategies G&T Educational Policy International and Policy Research The list is not exhaustive but certainly plenty to get you started on the ins and outs of giftedness. If there is a particularly good book […]
Getting Started in Gifted Education Research
On Saturday 21st March I attended Power Up 2015, the first Power Up presented in collaboration between Excited, the PDST and CESI. In this free-to-attend professional development opportunity, five workshops were on offer; Using social media for professional learning Finding and selecting information Capturing and using images on mobile devices […]
Power Up 2015 with Excited, PDST and CESI
News comes that Finland has decided to do away with what are, in schools, traditionally called ‘subjects’. In other settings, subjects were referred to as ‘disciplines’. There is a world of meaning in the difference. A discipline is a knowledge and skill base acquired after in-depth study. It speaks to […]
Finnish Education – Subject to Conditions
The Centre for Talented Youth Ireland based in Dublin City University, Ireland today launched ‘Gifted Education in Ireland and the United States‘ in collaboration with the Center for Gifted Education at the College of William and Mary, Virginia, USA. Edited by Dr. Jennifer H. Robbins, this book is to my […]