This post is a variation of an article I was asked to write for and published in Education Matters Yearbook 2014. I have been using computers for over 36 years. I am an advocate of the utility of ICT in education. I teach ICT modules and run a Code Club in […]
Yearly Archives: 2014
Today the Centre for Talented Youth Ireland launched a seminal report on the educator beliefs and practices of teachers in Ireland with regard to gifted children. The report – Gifted Education in Ireland: Educators Beliefs and Practices – by Jennifer Riedl Cross and Tracy Cross of the College of William and […]
Gifted Education in Ireland: Educators Beliefs and Practices in Ireland
Presentation to Scoil Mochua Celbridge
Presentation to Scoil Mochua, Celbridge, October 2014
So, I was flitting through the tweets from the weekend trying to catch up on what was occurring. The first thing I noticed was the announcement by the Teaching Council that teachers would have to do mandatory ‘upskilling’ ( mandatory-for-teachers-1.1952456 ). A few things struck me about this. […]

What is the purpose of education? There is so much educational change happening globally it seems as if any country NOT actively trying to change their education system is somehow missing something and really ought to just get with the programme! Hardly a day goes by but the media carries […]
3 Purposes of Education – the Lydon Hierarchy!
It was a real, if somewhat hectic, pleasure to present to UCD’s PDE Teach Meet on teaching gifted children on March 11th. Hopefully the start of something bigger for teachers with gifted students. Thanks to hosts John Heffernan and Conor Galvin for the invitation (and the photo!). #UCDPDETeachMeet2014-Giftedchildren-Why Should You […]
UCD PDE Teach Meet 2014
TeachMeet East in St. Patrick’s National School, Glencullen, on March 6th was my first time presenting at a TeachMeet. A 7 minute crash course in gifted education is hectic but it was great to get the chance to present to 60 or so teachers on the importance of recognising gifted […]
TeachMeet East – 2014 – St.Patricks National School Glencullen
Stupidity is to doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Equally stupid is claiming, either implicitly or explicitly, to be an expert in something and then coming up with a plan to break it…..and thereafter coming up with another plan to fix the thing you had […]
I Learn, Therefore I Am
A little while ago I had the pleasure of chatting with Jeff Shoemaker via Skype. One of the things that stuck me about teachers of gifted children is that no matter how much training or experience we have, nothing beats mulling over with other teachers approaches to meeting the needs of […]
We Never Arrive, We Only Journey – #gtbloghop – February ...
Gifted Students-Maynooth 2014