Presentation in Athlone Education Centre 10th November 2015 Recognising Gifted Children Primary Classroom
Gifted Education
I’m delighted to announce the launch of ‘Open Gifted – An Introduction to Gifted Education’. Open Gifted is an open, short, online course on Gifted Education. It is the first of its kind in Ireland. The course is aimed primarily at second level or high school teachers. However, primary school […]
Open Gifted – An Introduction to Gifted Education 1
Models/Theories of Giftedness Psychology of Giftedness Meeting the Social and Emotional Needs of the Gifted Teaching Strategies G&T Educational Policy International and Policy Research The list is not exhaustive but certainly plenty to get you started on the ins and outs of giftedness. If there is a particularly good book […]
Getting Started in Gifted Education Research
The Centre for Talented Youth Ireland based in Dublin City University, Ireland today launched ‘Gifted Education in Ireland and the United States‘ in collaboration with the Center for Gifted Education at the College of William and Mary, Virginia, USA. Edited by Dr. Jennifer H. Robbins, this book is to my […]
New Book – Gifted Education in Ireland and the United ...
Ciaran Cannon TD is an advocate of the needs of gifted children and of the importance of technology in education. On Saturday, a new book on gifted education both here and in the United States will be launched in DCU. Ciaran launched the first comprehensive report on gifted education in […]
Ciaran Cannon TD on Gifted Education and on Technology
Ciaran Cannon TD is an advocate of the needs of gifted children and of the importance of technology in education. On Saturday, a new book on gifted education both here and in the United States will be launched in DCU. Ciaran launched the first comprehensive report on gifted education in […]
Ciaran Cannon TD on Gifted Education and on Technology
Presentation to Postgraduate Diploma in Special Educational Needs NUIM PGDIP SEN 02 2015 National University of Ireland, Maynooth February 2015
Presentation to Postgraduate Diploma in SEN, NUIM February 2015
Today the Centre for Talented Youth Ireland launched a seminal report on the educator beliefs and practices of teachers in Ireland with regard to gifted children. The report – Gifted Education in Ireland: Educators Beliefs and Practices – by Jennifer Riedl Cross and Tracy Cross of the College of William and […]
Gifted Education in Ireland: Educators Beliefs and Practices in Ireland
Presentation to Scoil Mochua Celbridge
Presentation to Scoil Mochua, Celbridge, October 2014
It was a real, if somewhat hectic, pleasure to present to UCD’s PDE Teach Meet on teaching gifted children on March 11th. Hopefully the start of something bigger for teachers with gifted students. Thanks to hosts John Heffernan and Conor Galvin for the invitation (and the photo!). #UCDPDETeachMeet2014-Giftedchildren-Why Should You […]