Ciaran Cannon TD is an advocate of the needs of gifted children and of the importance of technology in education. On Saturday, a new book on gifted education both here and in the United States will be launched in DCU. Ciaran launched the first comprehensive report on gifted education in […]
Ciaran Cannon TD is an advocate of the needs of gifted children and of the importance of technology in education. On Saturday, a new book on gifted education both here and in the United States will be launched in DCU. Ciaran launched the first comprehensive report on gifted education in […]
Ciaran Cannon TD on Gifted Education and on Technology
Presentation to AGTI Conference 2014 on Assessment for Learning
Assessment for Learning
In 2011, commenting on the release of the Draft Framework for the Junior Cycle, the then Minister for Educaiton, Ruairí Quinn, complemented the NCCA for having kept their deliberations secret. This secrecy, coupled with a politically managed consultation process that actively limited teacher input, sowed the seeds of what is […]
That’s Another Fine Mess……
Presentation to Postgraduate Diploma in Special Educational Needs NUIM PGDIP SEN 02 2015 National University of Ireland, Maynooth February 2015
Presentation to Postgraduate Diploma in SEN, NUIM February 2015

Just Because You’re Paranoid Doesn’t Mean They’re Not Out to Get You! The Irish Times reports that the Minister for Education has decided that ‘Fitness-to-Teach’ hearings will be held in public and she will amend the Teaching Council Act 2001 to include this. This is a very serious step […]
Minister for Education Overrules The Professionals on Fitness-To-Teach Hearings
Teachers in Ireland are going on strike tomorrow. This strike is a little different. It’s not for money. It’s not for smaller classes. It’s not for reduced workload. The reason for the strike is the demand by the Department of Education in Ireland, on foot of old research conducted 15 […]
Irish Teachers Strike To Protect Their Students
This post is a variation of an article I was asked to write for and published in Education Matters Yearbook 2014. I have been using computers for over 36 years. I am an advocate of the utility of ICT in education. I teach ICT modules and run a Code Club in […]
Taking Tablets: Addressing The Symptoms or The Problem?
Today the Centre for Talented Youth Ireland launched a seminal report on the educator beliefs and practices of teachers in Ireland with regard to gifted children. The report – Gifted Education in Ireland: Educators Beliefs and Practices – by Jennifer Riedl Cross and Tracy Cross of the College of William and […]
Gifted Education in Ireland: Educators Beliefs and Practices in Ireland
Presentation to Scoil Mochua Celbridge