Thanks to Roya Klingner of the Global Centre for Gifted Education for the invitation to write a post as part of Gifted Education Awareness Week in Namibia. In December 2010 I proposed on #gtchat on Twitter that there should be an Global Gifted Education Awareness Day. From participating in #gtchat, […]
Yearly Archives: 2012
Gifted Education Awareness Week 2012 Leaflet This leaflet was sent to 76,000 teachers
Gifted Education Awareness Week 2012
2012 Leaflet here Gifted Education Awareness Week 2012 Leaflet 2011 was a very successful year in terms of raising awareness about issues affecting the inclusion of gifted children in schools in Ireland. Thanks to Brian Clavin of KPMG we were able to fund the distribution of a poster and information leaflet […]