#gtie is my weekly chat forum on Twitter on Sunday’s between 9.00pm and 10.00pm.
***I have moved #gtie over to gtnetwork.ie. Topics will be posted there along with summaries. Links to summaries can still be found here under ‘transcripts’ or under ‘professional development’.***
I’m hoping that #gtie will develop into place to collaborate on moving forward the promotion of gifted and talented education in schools in Ireland.
A tall order, but that’s not a reason not to push.
It could be that there is no need for #gtie and that would be fine. But at the very least using social media is a quick and convenient way of building and maintaining networks over distances.
Transcripts are made available after chat and posted under ‘Chat Transcripts‘
Longer tweets can be made on TwitLonger – it posts directly to Twitter when you click ‘post’. It inserts a shortened address which open in TwitLonger. I would recommend only using this outside scheduled sessions as you can end up losing the train of the chat. But it’s there if you want to use it.
Go boldly!