The purpose of this site is to share my experience of teaching Exceptionally Able/Gifted and Talented children with teachers, other educators and anyone with an interest in the educational, social and emotional needs of Gifted children.
I provide advice to principals, teachers, PTAs, Boards of Management, subject associations (TPNs) and other representative bodies on how schools can find a ‘best fit’ for a Gifted education policy or otherwise support Gifted children in their school. Subject to the fact I’m a full time teacher, I can offer
- Presentations to whole school or group planning days
- Advice on policy planning and development in schools
- Presentations to Parents Associations or National Associations
- Advice and support on establishing parent support groups
Initiatives which have developed from this site include
- #gtie Twitter Chat on Gifted issues in Ireland – Sundays, 9.oopm IST/4pm EST.
- National Gifted Education Awareness Day and EU Talent Day Ireland.
- A Register of Schools that have implemented a gifted education policy and a Hall of Fame for schools.
- YouTube Channel
- Teach Ireland at – Teachers of Exceptionally Able Children in Ireland – A support and CPD association for teachers of gifted children
- Advocacy Register – A register of advocates for gifted education and their support groups.
- Gifted and Talented Network Ireland – a support site to enable parents of gifted children find support which grew out of the register of advocates.
- A Global Gifted Education Awareness Day – a slightly longer term objective!